Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Judge ? is bad or good @,@

Assalamualaikum ~

regarding to the topic, im about to say something to the 'judges' out there..
judges? for what competition? singing? cooking? chess? badminton??pilih kasih?????

nahhhh ~ its not that..
what i mean here is 'judges'..
u know, judges.. yeah judges.. yeah thats right .

akceli, what i want to say here is the 'unofficial judges'
yeah, u know what i mean..
all the 'mouth' who love to talk about others.
but yeah, if it is a good thing, then its okay, how if its a bad thing and humiliate the person who had been judge?

m sure all of us realy hate being judge by others *i mean the bad one *

so, the best way to avoid is by not judging others.
see.. simple ..

::''what you give, you get back''::
::''what goes around, comes around''::

i dont want to target anyone about this, because me ,myself had this kind of 'habit' before * and now,maybe, have to reflect back.. T.T *

so, better to be remind and give remind riteee?

i just want to remind myself n u oll out ter :)
baik x? hehehehehe, *sesi muhasabah diri je nih*

"Dan janganlah kamu mengumpat sesama kamu, adakah seseorang dikalangan kamu suka makan daging mayat saudaranya ; tentulah kamu bencinya." (12 : al-Hujjurat)

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud: Awaslah daripada mengumpat kerana mengumpat itu lebih berdosa daripada zina. Sesungguhnya orang melakukan zina, apabila dia bertaubat, Allah akan menerima taubatnya.”Dan sesungguhnya orang yang melakukan umpat tidak akan diampunkan dosanya sebelum diampun oleh orang yang diumpat” (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Abi Dunya dan Ibnu Hibban)

see, tapi saya xkata kita xbleh judge org.. it just if you judge the good thing and for good intention, it will be all right. sama sama lah kita berusaha untuk ke arah kebaikan.

jom tngok video nih :D
*credit to mrtheallshared*

so, judge yourself if 'judge' is good or bad :)

selamat ber'judge' ~! ^o^

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